Lab-Grown MeatIn the modern world, livestock is responsible for 15% of global greenhouse gas emissions.Mar 7, 2022Mar 7, 2022
Cool Brain FactsUniversity of Newcastle researcher Dr. Vincent Candrawinata has confirmed that humans have two brains, both of which play a critical role…Jan 8, 2022Jan 8, 2022
What is the Metaverse•The term Metaverse came into existence because of Neal Stephenson’s 1992 science fiction novel Snow Crash, and recently the 2019 science…Nov 28, 2021Nov 28, 2021
Caspian Sea MonsterThe Caspian Sea Monster (KM) was a powerful war machine built by the soviet union.Nov 23, 2021Nov 23, 2021
The deepest point on earth- The Mariana TrenchThe oceans on earth are explored only 5%Nov 22, 2021Nov 22, 2021